The 7th Joint Workshop on Building / Civil Engineering between Tongji and Tokyo Tech (8/25-26開催)
開催日時: 2023年8月25日~2023年8月26日
開催場所: 東京工業大学 (すずかけ台キャンパス), J2棟2階 203号室
Program for 7th TJU & Tokyo Tech Workshop
Day 1 – August 25, 2023 (Friday) Building J2 Room 203 (2nd Floor) |
8:30 | Registration |
9:00 | Opening Addresses |
9:10 | Keynote Session |
11:00 | Student Session 1 |
13:00 | Student Session 2 |
14:40 | Student Session 3 |
16:25 | Lectures by Young Faculty Members: Session 1 |
18:00 | Opinion Exchange Session for Professors and Students (Building J2-J3, 20th floor) |
Day 2 – August 26, 2023 (Saturday) Building J2 Room 203 (2nd Floor) |
9:00 | Student Session 4 |
10:45 | Student Session 5 |
13:30 | Lectures by Young Faculty Members: Session 1 |
14:35 | Closing Ceremony and Best Student Presentation Awards |