Institute of Innovative Research, 
Tokyo Institute of Technology.



第151回 フロンティア材料研究所学術講演会/第24回未来産業技術研究所生体医歯工セミナー 10/27開催

  • 開催日時: 2022年10月27日(木) 14:00 ~16:00
  • 開催場所:  東京工業大学すずかけ台キャンパス R2棟1F オープンコミニュケーションスペース
  • 参加人数 :  32名


時間 内容
14:00-15:00 講演「デジタルで持続可能な経済のための次世代多機能材料」
15:00-16:00 研究交流会

"Next generation multifunctional materials for a digital and sustainable economy"

講師:Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, Director, BCMaterials

(Basque Center for Materials, Applications & Nanostructures)


Smart and multifunctional materials are a key driving force for the development of wireless, sustainable and interconnected systems, playing a central role in the scope of the digitalization and circular economy paradigms. Active and multifunctional materials are being, in fact, increasingly implemented in areas such as sensors and actuators, energy generation and storage, among others. The successful development of applications relies both in the ability to proper tailor their functional response and in their application with suitable (and sustainable) fabrication technologies. Multifunctional materials processable by additive manufacturing technologies is an area of increasing interest due to improved sustainability, simple integration into devices and the possibility of obtaining multifunctional materials over large and flexible areas. Relevant results, strategies and challenges in the development of specific active and multifunctional materials, including electro-, magneto-, thermo and photoactive, will be shown, together with applications in the areas of sensors, actuators and energy generation and storage.