受賞先: TACT2021(International Thin Films Conference)
受賞日: 2021年11月18日(木)
Gold Award
受賞者: 簡 佑安 (D2)
賞: Gold Award
論文題名: Nanoparticle Reinforced High Strength Ni-TiO2 Composite Film Electroplated by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Assisted Method
Best Poster Award
受賞者: 鄭 柏韋 (D1)
賞: Best Poster Award
論文題名: Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Assisted Metallization of 3D-Printed Polymer Structure as Functional Components in Electronic Devices
Best Poster Award
受賞者: 蒋一鳴 (D1)
賞: Best Poster Award
論文題名: Electrodeposition of Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Films and their Micro-Mechanical Property