Institute of Innovative Research, 
Tokyo Institute of Technology.



Students(Sone-Chang Lab) receives Award from TACT2021

Gold Award

  • Award Winner: Yu-An Chien (D2)
  • Award: Gold Award
  • Title: Nanoparticle Reinforced High Strength Ni-TiO2 Composite Film Electroplated by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Assisted Method

Best Poster Award

  • Award Winner: Po-Wei Cheng(D1)
  • Award: Best Poster Award
  • Title: Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Assisted Metallization of 3D-Printed Polymer Structure as Functional Components in Electronic Devices

Best Poster Award

  • Award Winner: Yiming Jiang(D1)
  • Award: Best Poster Award
  • Title: Electrodeposition of Nickel-Cobalt Alloy Films and their Micro-Mechanical Property