Institute of Innovative Research, 
Tokyo Institute of Technology.



Number of Faculty & Research Staff

As of April 1, 2024

Faculty Members Fixed-term Faculty Members
Professors 59 Institute Professors 4
Associate Professors 59 Specially Appointed Professors 61
Associate Professor(Lecturer) - Specially Appointed Associate Professors 44
Assistant Professors 60 Specially Appointed Assistant Professors 31
Research Staff 92
Total 178 Total 232
Total 410

Number of Faculty Members

As of April 1, 2024

Professors Associate Professors Associate Professors(Lecturer) Assistant Professors Total
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology 13 15 - 10 38
Laboratory for Materials and Structures 9 9 - 9 27
Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science 6 10 - 19 35
Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy 8 11 - 6 25
Research Centers/Units 23 14 - 16 53
Total 59 59 - 60 178

Number of Students

As of April 1, 2024

Under Graduate Master's Program Doctoral Program Total
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology 49(1) 204(51) 83(49) 336(101)
Laboratory for Materials and Structures 7(1) 86(11) 26(14) 119(26)
Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science 8(0) 82(10) 41(24) 131(34)
Laboratory for Zero-Carbon Energy 24(8) 116(22) 55(30) 195(60)
Research Centers/Units 49(1) 198(42) 120(56) 367(99)
Total 137(11) 686(136) 325(173) 1,148(320)

※( )indicates the number of international students in counts.


FY2023 Annual Budget (million yen)

Operating Grants 2,020
Personnel 1,793
Supplies and Equipment 227
Program-Specified Operating Grants 172
External Funds 7,376
Total 9,568

Operating Grants
Program-Specified Operating Grants
External Funds

FY2023 External Funds (million yen)

Government-Commissioned Research 4,107
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research 1,114
Cooperative Research with Industries 1,945
Donations 92
Other 117
Total 7,376

Government-Commissioned Research
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Cooperative Research with Industries

Trend of External Funds

Government-Commissioned Research
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Cooperative Research with Industries
Total Amount