Institute of Innovative Research, 
Tokyo Institute of Technology.



Kaede MIYAUCHI(Ito Lab.)et al. receive “Excellent Young Lecture Award” from IEICE-ICD(May 14, 2019)

With the widespread of IoT, it is thought that frequency will become tight even in short distance communication between several meters in the future. In contrast, the sub-mW or less power consumption in wireless communication circuit is desired. Our group presented the circuit technology that achieved high spectrum efficiency of 3.3b/s/Hz while consuming about 100μW. In this paper, we aim to further improve spectrum efficiency, and examine the new design method of key RF mixer section. Circuit simulation resulted in the expectation of 64-QAM modulation.

  • Prize Winner: Kaede MIYAUCHI,〔2019 Master's Program Alumni〕(Ito Lab),Prof. Noboru ISHIHARAAssoc. Prof. Hiroyuki ITO
  • Conferrer: IEICE-ICD
  • Prize: Excellent Young Lecture Award
  • Commemorative Lecture: Investigation of Design Method of Low-Power 64-QAM Transmitter Employing Backscattering Technique
  • Awarded day: May 14, 2019