Institute of Innovative Research, 
Tokyo Institute of Technology.



Students(Okino Lab) receive Prizes from RSC

Conferrer: The Royal Society of Chemistry
Date: July 3, 2024

Winner: Kai FUKUCHI (D1)
Prize: The Royal Society of Chemistry Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry Poster Prize(1st place)
Title: メタルサイトメーターのための細胞試料導入システムの開発

Winner: Yuya SHIMIZU (D2)
Prize: Best Presentation Award
Title: 石英ガラス製マイクロプラズマ励起源のガス流量依存性

Winner: Daiki HIROSE (B4)
Prize: Flash Presentation Award
Title: 二層誘電相バリア放電を用いた塗装溶媒トルエンの分解処理