Students(Kishiki Lab) receives “Best Presentation Award for Young Scientists” from AIJ
Conferrer: 2023 Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan(Kinki)
Award: Best Presentation Award for Young Scientists
Date: October 11, 2023
Best Presentation Award for Young Scientists
Winner: Thaileang Touch (2022 Doctoral Course Completed)
Title: SUS821L1省合金二相系ステンレス鋼の低サイクル疲労特性
Winner: Sometrey Mey (D1)
Title: 梁端接合部の低サイクル疲労性能に及ぼすスケール効果 その3 既往の実験データベースに基づく梁端接合部の繰返し変形性能
- FIRST: Thaileang Touch(2022 Doctoral Course Completed)receives "Best Presentation Award for Young Scientists" from AIJ(October 11, 2023)
- FIRST: Sometrey Mey(D1 of Kishiki Lab)receives "Best Presentation Award for Young Scientists" from AIJ(October 11, 2023)
- MSL:Thaileang Touch (Kishiki Lab) receives "Young Presentation Award" from AIJ
- MSL: Sometrey Mey (Kishiki Lab) receives "Young Presentation Award" from AIJ