Institute of Innovative Research, 
Tokyo Institute of Technology.



Naoki Tano (Hatsuzawa Lab.) and Shuzo Masui, Yeyi Tang (Nisisako Lab.) received an award at 2023 JSPE Spring Meeting

Best Presentation Award

Award Winner: Naoki Tano (M2)
Conferrer: The Japan Society for Precision Engineering(JSPE) 2023 JSPE Spring Meeting
Award: Best Presentation Award
Title: Development of endscope device with balloon pressure sensor for tumor detection
Award date: March 16, 2023

Best Presentation Award

Award Winner: Yeyi Tang (M1)
Conferrer: The Japan Society for Precision Engineering(JSPE) 2023 JSPE Spring Meeting
Award: Best Presentation Award
Title: A 3D-printed microfluidic device for integrated droplet generation and sorting
Award date: March 16, 2023

Advanced Best Presentation Award

Award Winner: Shuzo Masui (PD of Nisisako Lab.)
Conferrer: The Japan Society for Precision Engineering(JSPE) 2023 JSPE Spring Meeting
Award: Advanced Best Presentation Award
Title: ポストアレイ型液滴⽣成デバイスにおけるポストデザインの影響
Award date: March 16, 2023