Students(Kishiki Labo and Sato Lab) receives “Excellent Young Researcher Report Award” from AIJ and publication in the “Collection of Outstanding Research Reports”
Conferrer: Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ)
Award date: March 24, 2023
Excellent Young Researcher Report Award
Award Winner: Yudai Arai (M2)
Award: The 93rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Excellent Young Researcher Report Award
Title: 中低層免震建物における実効変形比に基づくブレース配置の検討 その1 ブレースの降伏と座屈および免震支承の引抜きの判定手法
Award Winner: Ryo Kobayashi (M2)
Award: The 93rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Excellent Young Researcher Report Award
Title: 建築物荷重指針・同解説を用いて風応答予測を行う際の風力スペクトルの平滑化指標の提案
Award Winner: Ayumi Kuwahara(B4)
Award: The 93rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Excellent Young Researcher Report Award
Title: 熊本地震にて被害を受けた屋内運動場の被災後補修の調査 その1 被災後の補修方法の分析
Excellent Research Report Collection
Material Construction Division
Award Winner: Shunsuke Otsuru (M1)
Award: The 93rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Excellent Research Report Collection
Title: ALCパネルにおける埋込みアンカーの引抜き耐力
- FIRST: Shunsuke Otsuru(M1 of Kishiki Lab)research results published in the "Collection of Outstanding Research Reports" by the AIJ(March 24, 2023)
- MSL: Research report published in the "Excellent Research Report Collection" of AIJ Kanto Branch Research Presentation Meeting. Shunsuke Otsuru (Kishiki Lab)
Structural Division
Award Winner: Yudai Arai (M2)
Award: The 93rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Excellent Research Report Collection
Title: 中低層免震建物における実効変形比に基づくブレース配置の検討 その1 ブレースの降伏と座屈および免震支承の引抜きの判定手法
Structural Division
Award Winner: Ryo Kobayashi (M2)
Award: The 93rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Excellent Research Report Collection
Title: 高摩擦弾性すべり支承における水平クリープ現象に関する実験的検討 ―縮小試験体を用いた荷重制御加振実験―
Structural Division
Award Winner: Yasunari Makihira (M1)
Award: The 93rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Excellent Research Report Collection
Title: 高摩擦弾性すべり支承における水平クリープ現象に関する実験的検討 ―縮小試験体を用いた荷重制御加振実験―
Structural Division
Award Winner: Ayumi Kuwahara (B4)
Award: The 93rd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Excellent Research Report Collection
Title: 熊本地震にて被害を受けた屋内運動場の被災後補修の調査 その1 被災後の補修方法の分析
- FIRST: Ayumi Kuwahara(B4 of Kishiki Lab)research results published in the "Collection of Outstanding Research Reports" by the AIJ(March 24, 2023)
- MSL: Research report published in the "Excellent Research Report Collection" of AIJ Kanto Branch Research Presentation Meeting. Ayumi Kuwahara (Kishiki Lab)