Students(Sato Lab) research results published in the “Collection of Outstanding Research Reports” by the AIJ
- Conferrer: Architectural Institute of Japan
- Award date: March 17, 2022
The 92nd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Collection of Outstanding Research Reports
- Award Winner: Yudai Arai(M1)
- Award: The 92nd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Collection of Outstanding Research Reports
- Research Topic: 免震物流倉庫の地震応答に関する検討 その1 高減衰ゴム系積層ゴム支承のバイリニアモデルへの置換
- Award Winner: Ryosuke Kinoshita (M2)
- Award: The 92nd Annual Conference of the Architectural Institute of Japan Kanto Branch, Collection of Outstanding Research Reports
- Research Topic: 振幅依存性を有する間柱型粘弾性ダンパーを設置した制振構造の地震応答予測手法 その2 予測法の精度検証