New member
Dr.Toru Hisabori, Directoer-General, handed out the letter of appointment.
the date of announcement was April 1st 2021.
Vice Director General, IIR
Prof. Michikazu Hara
Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology
Prof. Kenji Suzuki
Asst. Prof. Junichi Ozaki
Asst. Prof. SHEGAY ALEKSEY VADIMOVICH (Laboratory for Materials and Structures)
Laboratory for Materials and Structures
Prof. Hidenori Hiramatsu
Assoc. prof. CHANG Tso-Fu (Laboratory for Future Interdisciplinary Research of Science and Technology)
Asst. Prof. Kota Hanzawa
Laboratory for Chemistry and Life Science
Asst. Prof. Ryudo Ohbayashi
Asst. Prof. Ryosuke Takehara
Asst. Prof. Yuto Honda
Asst. Prof. Kazuki Miura
Center / Unit
Prof. Mikio Kozuma (Quantum Navigation Unit)
Assoc. prof. Kota Suzuki(Research Center for All-Solid-State Battery)
Asst. Prof. Naoki Matsui(Research Center for All-Solid-State Battery)
For the three members of the Future of Humanity Research Center, Prof.Asa Ito delivered the letter of appointment at Ookayama Campus.
Prof. Taro Yamazaki (Future of Humanity Research Center)
Assoc. prof. Kyohhei Kitamura (Future of Humanity Research Center)
Assoc. prof. Kumiko Kiuchi (Future of Humanity Research Center)