Kohei Noda receives “APOS 2019 OSA Student Prize” from APOS 2019
Kohei Noda (M2), Nakamura Lab., FIRST, IIR, received the APOS2019 Student Prize from Optical Society of America (OSA) at 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS 2019) held in Auckland, New Zealand on 19-22 November. The title of his presentation was “Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry using chirp-modulated optical frequency”.
- Prize Winner: Kohei Noda (M2)
- Conferrer: 8th Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference(APOS 2019)
- Prize: APOS 2019 OSA Student Prize
- Title: Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry using chirp-modulated optical frequency
- Date: November 21, 2019
- Teacher in charge: Prof. Kentaro Nakamura